- mdhelper.plot.rcparam.update(journal: str = None, font_scaling: float = 1, size_scaling: float = 1, **kwargs) None [source]¶
Updates the Matplotlib rcParams at runtime. By default, this function overwrites the following settings:
{ "axes.labelsize": 9, "figure.autolayout": True, "font.size": 9, "legend.columnspacing": 1, "legend.edgecolor": "1", "legend.fontsize": 9, "legend.handlelength": 1.25, "legend.labelspacing": 0.25, "savefig.dpi": 1_200, "xtick.labelsize": 9, "ytick.labelsize": 9, "text.usetex": True }
If a supported journal acronym is provided as the first argument, the default figure size will also be updated.
- Parameters:
- journalstr, optional
Journal acronym used to update the default figure size.
Valid values:
: American Chemical Society."aip"
: American Institute of Physics."rsc"
: Royal Society of Chemistry.
- font_scalingfloat, optional
Scaling factor to apply to the default font size. This value is multiplied by the default font size to obtain the final font size.
- size_scalingfloat, optional
Scaling factor to apply to the default figure size. This value is multiplied by the default figure size to obtain the final figure size.
- **kwargs
Additional rcParams to update passed to