
mdhelper.plot.rcparam.update(journal: str = None, font_scaling: float = 1, size_scaling: float = 1, **kwargs) None[source]

Updates the Matplotlib rcParams at runtime. By default, this function overwrites the following settings:

    "axes.labelsize": 9,
    "figure.autolayout": True,
    "font.size": 9,
    "legend.columnspacing": 1,
    "legend.edgecolor": "1",
    "legend.fontsize": 9,
    "legend.handlelength": 1.25,
    "legend.labelspacing": 0.25,
    "savefig.dpi": 1_200,
    "xtick.labelsize": 9,
    "ytick.labelsize": 9,
    "text.usetex": True

If a supported journal acronym is provided as the first argument, the default figure size will also be updated.

journalstr, optional

Journal acronym used to update the default figure size.

Valid values:

  • "acs": American Chemical Society.

  • "aip": American Institute of Physics.

  • "rsc": Royal Society of Chemistry.

font_scalingfloat, optional

Scaling factor to apply to the default font size. This value is multiplied by the default font size to obtain the final font size.

size_scalingfloat, optional

Scaling factor to apply to the default figure size. This value is multiplied by the default figure size to obtain the final figure size.


Additional rcParams to update passed to matplotlib.rcParams.update().