
class mdhelper.analysis.electrostatics.DipoleMoment(groups: AtomGroup | tuple[AtomGroup], charges: ndarray[float] | Quantity | Quantity = None, dimensions: ndarray[float] | Quantity | Quantity = None, scales: float | tuple[float] = 1, average: bool = False, reduced: bool = False, neutralize: bool = False, unwrap: bool = False, parallel: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DynamicAnalysisBase

Serial and parallel implementations to calculate the instantaneous dipole moment vectors \(\mathbf{M}(t)\).

For a system with \(N\) atoms or molecules, the dipole moment is given by


where \(q_i\) and \(\mathbf{z}_i\) are the charge and position of entity \(i\).

The dipole moment can be used to estimate the relative permittivity (or static dielectric constant) via the dipole moment fluctuation formula [1]:

\[\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}=1+\frac{\overline{\langle\mathbf{M}^2\rangle -\langle\mathbf{M}\rangle^2}}{3\varepsilon_0 Vk_\mathrm{B}T}\]

where the angular brackets \(\langle\,\cdot\,\rangle\) denote the ensemble average, the overline signifies the spatial average, \(\varepsilon_0\) is the vacuum permittivity, \(k_\mathrm{B}\) is the Boltzmann constant, and \(T\) is the system temperature.

groupsMDAnalysis.AtomGroup or array-like

Group(s) of atoms for which the dipole moments are calculated.

chargesarray-like, keyword-only, optional

Charge information for the atoms in the \(N_\mathrm{g}\) groups in groups. If not provided, it should be available in and will be retrieved from the main MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe object.

Shape: \((N_\mathrm{g},)\) array of real numbers or \((N_i,)\) arrays, where \(N_i\) is the number of atoms in group \(i\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{e}\).

dimensionsarray-like, keyword-only, optional

System dimensions. If the MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe object that the groups in groups belong to does not contain dimensionality information, provide it here. Affected by scales.

Shape: \((3,)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{Å}\).

scalesarray-like, keyword-only, optional

Scaling factors for each system dimension. If an int is provided, the same value is used for all axes.

Shape: \((3,)\).

averagebool, keyword-only, default: False

Determines whether the dipole moment vectors and volumes are time-averaged.

reducedbool, keyword-only, default: False

Specifies whether the data is in reduced units. Only affects calculate_relative_permittivity() calls.

neutralizebool, keyword-only, default: False

Specifies whether the net charge is subtracted at the center of mass for molecules with net charges. Must be enabled if your system contains molecules with net charges and you want to calculate the relative permittivity, but should be disabled if you are only interested in the instantaneous dipole moment.

unwrapbool, keyword-only, default: False

Determines whether atom positions are unwrapped.

parallelbool, keyword-only, default: False

Determines whether the analysis is performed in parallel.

verbosebool, keyword-only, default: True

Determines whether progress is printed to the console.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisBase.



Neumann, M. Dipole Moment Fluctuation Formulas in Computer Simulations of Polar Systems. Molecular Physics 1983, 50 (4), 841–858. https://doi.org/10.1080/00268978300102721.


MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe object containing all information describing the system.


Reference units for the results. For example, to get the reference units for results.times, call results.units["results.times"].


Changes in time \(t-t_0\).

Shape: \((N_t,)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{ps}\).


Instantaneous dipole moment vectors \(\mathbf{M}\).

Shape: \((N_t,\,N_\mathrm{g},\,3)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{e\cdotÅ}\).


System volumes \(V\).

Shape: \((N_t,)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{Å^3}\).


Relative permittivity (or static dielectric constant) \(\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}\) in each dimension.

Shape: \((3,)\).



Calculates the relative permittivity (or static dielectric constant) \(\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}\) of a medium using the instantaneous dipole moments \(\mathbf{M}(t)\).


Performs the calculation.


Saves results to a binary or archive file in NumPy format.

calculate_relative_permittivity(temperature: float | Quantity | Quantity) None[source]

Calculates the relative permittivity (or static dielectric constant) \(\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}\) of a medium using the instantaneous dipole moments \(\mathbf{M}(t)\).

temperaturefloat, openmm.unit.Quantity, or pint.Quantity

System temperature \(T\).


If reduced=True was set in the DipoleMoment constructor, temperature should be equal to the energy scale. When the Lennard-Jones potential is used, it generally means that \(T^* = 1\), or temperature=1.

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{K}\).

run(start: int = None, stop: int = None, step: int = None, frames: slice | ndarray[int] = None, verbose: bool = None, **kwargs) SerialAnalysisBase | ParallelAnalysisBase

Performs the calculation.

See also

For parallel-specific keyword arguments, see ParallelAnalysisBase.run().

startint, optional

Starting frame for analysis.

stopint, optional

Ending frame for analysis.

stepint, optional

Number of frames to skip between each analyzed frame.

framesslice or array-like, optional

Index or logical array of the desired trajectory frames.

verbosebool, optional

Determines whether detailed progress is shown.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to MDAnalysis.lib.log.ProgressBar.

selfSerialAnalysisBase or ParallelAnalysisBase

Analysis object with results.

save(file: str | TextIO, archive: bool = True, compress: bool = True, **kwargs) None

Saves results to a binary or archive file in NumPy format.

filestr or file

Filename or file-like object where the data will be saved. If file is a str, the .npy or .npz extension will be appended automatically if not already present.

archivebool, default: True

Determines whether the results are saved to a single archive file. If True, the data is stored in a .npz file. Otherwise, the data is saved to multiple .npy files.

compressbool, default: True

Determines whether the .npz file is compressed. Has no effect when archive=False.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to numpy.save(), numpy.savez(), or numpy.savez_compressed(), depending on the values of archive and compress.