
mdhelper.algorithm.topology.unwrap_edge(*, group: AtomGroup = None, positions: ndarray[float] = None, bonds: ndarray[int] = None, dimensions: ndarray[float] = None, thresholds: ndarray[float] = None, masses: ndarray[float] = None) ndarray[float][source]

Locally unwraps the positions of molecules at the edge of the simulation box.

groupMDAnalysis.AtomGroup, optional

Atom group. If not provided, the atom positions, bonds, and dimensions must be provided in positions, bonds, and dimensions, respectively.

positionsnumpy.ndarray, optional

Atom positions.

Shape: \((N,\,3)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{nm}\).

bondsnumpy.ndarray, optional

Pairs of all bonded atom indices with respect to positions.

Shape: \((N_\mathrm{bonds},\,2)\).

dimensionsnumpy.ndarray, optional

System dimensions and, optionally, angles.

Shape: \((3,)\) or \((6,)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{nm}\) (lengths) and \(^\circ\) (angles).

thresholdsnumpy.ndarray, optional

Maximum distances in each direction an atom can move before it is considered to have crossed a boundary.

Shape: \((3,)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{nm}\).

massesnumpy.ndarray, optional

Atom masses. If not specified, all atoms are assumed to have the same mass.

Shape: \((N,)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{amu}\).


Unwrapped atom positions.

Shape: \((N,\,3)\).

Reference unit: \(\mathrm{nm}\).