
class mdhelper.analysis.base.DynamicAnalysisBase(trajectory: ReaderBase, parallel: bool, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ParallelAnalysisBase, SerialAnalysisBase

A dynamic analysis base object.


Simulation trajectory.


Determines whether the analysis is performed in parallel.

verbosebool, default: True

Determines whether detailed progress is shown.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisBase.



Performs the calculation.


Saves results to a binary or archive file in NumPy format.

run(start: int = None, stop: int = None, step: int = None, frames: slice | ndarray[int] = None, verbose: bool = None, **kwargs) SerialAnalysisBase | ParallelAnalysisBase[source]

Performs the calculation.

See also

For parallel-specific keyword arguments, see ParallelAnalysisBase.run().

startint, optional

Starting frame for analysis.

stopint, optional

Ending frame for analysis.

stepint, optional

Number of frames to skip between each analyzed frame.

framesslice or array-like, optional

Index or logical array of the desired trajectory frames.

verbosebool, optional

Determines whether detailed progress is shown.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to MDAnalysis.lib.log.ProgressBar.

selfSerialAnalysisBase or ParallelAnalysisBase

Analysis object with results.

save(file: str | TextIO, archive: bool = True, compress: bool = True, **kwargs) None

Saves results to a binary or archive file in NumPy format.

filestr or file

Filename or file-like object where the data will be saved. If file is a str, the .npy or .npz extension will be appended automatically if not already present.

archivebool, default: True

Determines whether the results are saved to a single archive file. If True, the data is stored in a .npz file. Otherwise, the data is saved to multiple .npy files.

compressbool, default: True

Determines whether the .npz file is compressed. Has no effect when archive=False.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to numpy.save(), numpy.savez(), or numpy.savez_compressed(), depending on the values of archive and compress.