- class mdhelper.analysis.polymer.EndToEndVector(groups: AtomGroup | tuple[AtomGroup], groupings: str | tuple[str] = 'atoms', n_chains: int | tuple[int] = None, n_monomers: int | tuple[int] = None, *, n_blocks: int = 1, dt: float | Quantity | Quantity = None, fft: bool = True, unwrap: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]¶
A serial implementation to calculate the end-to-end vector autocorrelation function (ACF) \(C_\mathrm{ee}(t)\) and estimate the orientational relaxation time \(\tau_\mathrm{r}\) of a polymer.
The end-to-end vector ACF is defined as
\[C_\mathrm{ee}(t)=\frac{\langle\mathbf{R}_\mathrm{ee}(t) \cdot\mathbf{R}_\mathrm{ee}(0)\rangle} {\langle\mathbf{R}_\mathrm{ee}^2\rangle}\]where \(\mathbf{R}_\mathrm{ee}=\mathbf{r}_N-\mathbf{r}_1\) is the end-to-end vector.
The orientational relaxation time can then be estimated by fitting a stretched exponential function
\[C_\mathrm{ee}=\exp{\left[-(t/\tau)^\beta\right]}\]to the end-to-end vector ACF and evaluating
\[\tau_\mathrm{r}=\int_0^\infty C_\mathrm{ee}\,dt =\tau\Gamma(\frac{1}{\beta}+1)\]- Parameters:
- groupsMDAnalysis.AtomGroup or array_like
Group(s) of polymers to be analyzed. All polymers in each group must have the same chain length.
- groupingsstr or array-like, default:
Determines whether the centers of mass are used in lieu of individual atom positions. If groupings is a str, the same value is used for all groups.
In a standard trajectory file, segments (or chains) contain residues (or molecules), and residues contain atoms. This heirarchy must be adhered to for this analysis module to function correctly. If your trajectory file does not contain the correct segment or residue information, provide the number of chains and chain lengths in n_chains and n_monomers, respectively.
Valid values:
: Atom positions (for coarse-grained polymer simulations)."residues"
: Residues’ centers of mass (for atomistic polymer simulations).
- n_chainsint or array-like, optional
Number of chains in each polymer group. Must be provided if the trajectory does not adhere to the standard container heirarchy (see Notes).
- n_monomersint or array-like, optional
Number of monomers in each chain in each polymer group. Must be provided if the trajectory does not adhere to the standard container heirarchy (see Notes).
- n_blocksint, keyword-only, default:
Number of blocks to split the trajectory into.
- dtfloat or openmm.unit.Quantity, keyword-only, optional
Time between frames \(\Delta t\). While this is normally determined from the trajectory, the trajectory may not have the correct information if the data is in reduced units. For example, if your reduced timestep is \(0.01\) and you output trajectory data every \(10,000\) timesteps, then \(\Delta t=100\).
Reference unit: \(\mathrm{ps}\).
- fftbool, keyword-only, default:
Determines whether fast Fourier transforms (FFT) are used to evaluate the ACFs.
- unwrapbool, keyword-only, default:
Determines whether atom positions are unwrapped.
- verbosebool, keyword-only, default:
Determines whether detailed progress is shown.
- **kwargs
Additional keyword arguments to pass to
In a standard trajectory file, segments (or chains) contain residues, and residues contain atoms. This heirarchy must be adhered to for this analysis module to function correctly. If your trajectory file does not contain the correct segment or residue information, provide the number of chains and chain lengths in n_chains and n_monomers, respectively.
- Attributes:
- universeMDAnalysis.Universe
object containing all information describing the system.- results.unitsdict
Reference units for the results. For example, to get the reference units for
, callresults.units["results.times"]
.- results.timesnumpy.ndarray
Changes in time \(t-t_0\).
Shape: \((N_t,)\).
Reference unit: \(\textrm{ps}\).
- results.acfnumpy.ndarray
End-to-end vector ACFs for the \(N_\textrm{g}\) groups over \(N_\textrm{b}\) blocks with \(N_t\) trajectory frames each.
Shape: \((N_\textrm{g},\,N_\textrm{b},\,N_t)\).
- results.relaxation_timesnumpy.ndarray
Average orientational relaxation times for the \(N_\textrm{g}\) groups over \(N_t\) trajectory frames split into \(N_\textrm{b}\) blocks.
Calculates the orientational relaxation time.
Performs the calculation.
Saves results to a binary or archive file in NumPy format.
- run(start: int = None, stop: int = None, step: int = None, frames: slice | ndarray[int] = None, verbose: bool = None, **kwargs) SerialAnalysisBase | ParallelAnalysisBase ¶
Performs the calculation.
See also
For parallel-specific keyword arguments, see
.- Parameters:
- startint, optional
Starting frame for analysis.
- stopint, optional
Ending frame for analysis.
- stepint, optional
Number of frames to skip between each analyzed frame.
- framesslice or array-like, optional
Index or logical array of the desired trajectory frames.
- verbosebool, optional
Determines whether detailed progress is shown.
- **kwargs
Additional keyword arguments to pass to
- Returns:
- selfSerialAnalysisBase or ParallelAnalysisBase
Analysis object with results.
- save(file: str | TextIO, archive: bool = True, compress: bool = True, **kwargs) None ¶
Saves results to a binary or archive file in NumPy format.
- Parameters:
- filestr or file
Filename or file-like object where the data will be saved. If file is a str, the
extension will be appended automatically if not already present.- archivebool, default:
Determines whether the results are saved to a single archive file. If True, the data is stored in a
file. Otherwise, the data is saved to multiple.npy
files.- compressbool, default:
Determines whether the
file is compressed. Has no effect whenarchive=False
.- **kwargs
Additional keyword arguments to pass to
, ornumpy.savez_compressed()
, depending on the values of archive and compress.